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Save $30/mo on Althea internet!
The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), managed by the FCC, is designed to make the internet more accessible to everyone. Under this program, eligible households can receive a credit of up to $30 towards their internet bill. Tribal households can receive up to $75.
Only eligible households may enroll.

ACP Eligibility
Who is eligible?
To receive the ACP benefit, you must meet one of the following requirements:
Your total household income is at or below twice the federal poverty level. ($55,000 a year for a four-person household or $27,180 a year for one person).
You are a recipient of qualifying federal assistance programs like Lifeline, SNAP/EBT, Medicaid, or free & reduced-price school lunch.
Only eligible households may enroll.
How do I apply?
Applying for the ACP benefit is simple! In just 3 steps you could be getting Althea internet for free!
See if you qualify.
Click here for full eligibility requirements. This link will take you off-site.
Apply for the ACP.
You can apply online, by mail, or by getting assistance from Althea staff.
Let us know!
Email your first and last name, address, phone number, and approval code to
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s the Affordable Connectivity Program?The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is a $14 billion program that is replacing the Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) Program. Eligible low-income households that qualify based on Federal Government rules can save up to $30 per month on internet. Residents on Tribal lands can save up to $75 per month. This program makes the internet more accessible to low-income Americans.
How long will the monthly Affordable Connectivity Program credit last?The Affordable Connectivity Program is a longer-term program that is anticipated to last until the federal government funds are depleted.
What happens after the Affordable Connectivity Program ends?Based on Federal Government rules, the monthly credit will continue for qualified households until the federal funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program is depleted. When the Affordable Connectivity Program ends, your bill will continue to reflect the services and pricing as of that date without the Affordable Connectivity Program credit. This means that you'll be charged the regular, undiscounted, rate for Althea internet, and you'll be subject to our regular terms and conditions. If you're having trouble paying your bill, please call us at any time to review available options to lower your bill.
What if I was enrolled in the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program?The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) has replaced the Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) Program. Households enrolled in the EBB Program that qualified have transitioned to ACP.
What are the FCC’s qualifying programs for Lifeline that could qualify my household for the Affordable Connectivity Program?If you or a member of your household participates in any one of the FCC’s Lifeline qualifying programs, your household may qualify for the Affordable Connectivity Program benefit.
My Internet is fully or partially paid by my landlord or homeowner’s association. Am I eligible?At the present time, if your landlord, management company or homeowner’s association is paying for all or part of your Internet bill with Althea, you aren't eligible to participate in the Affordable Connectivity Program with Althea.
Are commercial and small business accounts eligible?Althea commercial and business accounts, including small business accounts, aren't eligible to participate in the Affordable Connectivity Program at the present time.
Is a household allowed more than one Affordable Connectivity Program credit? What if two people in the house have separate finances?Only one Affordable Connectivity Program credit is available per household as defined by the FCC. If you live at the same address with other people but don't share income and expenses, you may be considered a separate household. Visit the National Verifier at to complete an Affordable Connectivity Program Household Worksheet.
What’s an Affordable Connectivity Program Household Worksheet?The Affordable Connectivity Program Household Worksheet is used for consumers reporting an address that's already on record as participating in the Affordable Connectivity Program to determine if they're considered the same or separate households based on the FCC’s definition. For example, two people living at the same residence who share money and bills are considered one household under the FCC’s definition. In that case, only one Affordable Connectivity Program benefit is available to serve that address. Conversely, two people living at the same residence who don't share any income or expenses may be considered two separate households. In that case, both individuals may qualify to receive an Affordable Connectivity Program benefit.
Who developed the eligibility criteria for the Affordable Connectivity Program?Congress created the Affordable Connectivity Program, and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) adopted the rules and polices governing how the program operates. The Commission’s Wireline Competition Bureau, other Commission staff and the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) oversee and administer the Affordable Connectivity Program.
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